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TU/e Industrial Design www.tue.nl

HEXO: Helmet for Eleptics

By 30-12-2020

One Week About – Student Work, Faculty of Industrial Design, TU/e

Second year Bachelor project
Ivy van Dongen, Nick van Geenen, Isa Jansen, Hanna Loschacoff and Helder Stompff

“One in ten people with epilepsy get seizure-related injuries, the most common of which being head injuries. Our project, HEXO, is a smart helmet that discretely protects the user from the impact of a fall. HEXO is lightweight, breathable, strong and safe. Not only does it protect the user, it also measures the impact of the fall and identifies the location of the impact.”

“Based on our user survey, one of the main concerns regarding using a helmet is that it makes their epilepsy visible to others. Therefore, HEXO allows the user to cover up the helmet with their own head accessory, making the design fashionable and customisable. After a fall, the data are displayed on a website in an overview. The user can choose to send it to a doctor for further consideration if necessary.”